Archive for February, 2011

Buried in work

One of my entries on my prayer list is “Wisdom and knowledge, humility, joy.” Knowledge because I am a student and my calling is to learn how to think and analyze like a lawyer in preparation for my career. Wisdom because I want to grow in my understanding of this world and the people around me and the city I live in. Humility because in law school we are encouraged to exude confidence, self-assuredness, and knowledge, when really, we know so little (both in the sense that we know nothing about doing actual work in a law firm as well in the sense that to God the world’s wisdom is folly). The corporate world sees success in being brash, bold, unashamed, aggressive. And lastly, joy, because in the stresses and burdens of law school, I want to be a wellspring of joy, in both my failures and victories, when I am cruising along or when I am struggling. I was reading through Ecclesiastes one day and came across this verse. What an affirmation of my prayer request it was.

“For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy.” – Ecclesiastes 2:26

By God’s grace and mercy through Jesus Christ, I make it my aim to please him day by day (2 Corinthians 5:9). It has been hard to find time to read the Word and pray. That is why Sundays are such a blessing. To be fed the Word and to be refreshed by the preaching of the gospel, as well as the Lord’s Supper. The local church here is not perfect; there are certain characteristics from New York corporate culture that show themselves in relationships and must be redeemed by the gospel. But I am glad that God has planted a church that has survived for as long as it has (10 years) in a city that is lacking in commitment and other-centeredness.

A few weeks ago, there was a sermon on Caleb in the book of Joshua. Caleb was a man who was confident that God would fulfill His mighty purposes but did not presume to know his role in it. “It may be that the LORD will be with me, and I shall drive them out just as the LORD said” (Joshua 14:12). He knew God would fulfill His promises to Israel. It was this faith that sustained his vitality even at 85-years-old. 85 and excited about the possibility of God using him and his skills for His kingdom (in this case, hands trained for war). And the pastor’s words of application stuck out to me. “The saint is driven by faithfulness, not success. Life’s joy and reward come from serving, not gaining a prize.” Faithfulness, not success. Serving, not gaining. I hope to continue to be faithful with my studies, faithful with my relationships with classmates, churchmates, and peers, faithful with my time, faithful in prayer, faithful in serving, and faithful in being a witness to the joy that comes from knowing Christ.